Monday, May 3, 2010

Alfred and Mae's Upside Down Adventure!!!

I can't believe the semester is already over. One class left, and it's summertime! I'm so excited to be doing my own work (and getting regular sleep!!). The end of the semester has been crazyyy busy and I have several pieces to post, so that's something to look forward to!
I also have a laundry list of stuff to do this summer including (but not limited to):
-Environment designs
-Character designs
ect ect ect. :)

This is my most recent piece for illustration; we were given the title "Alfred and Mae's Upside-Down Adventure!" and told to make a story from it. So that's exactly what I did. Done in photoshop and illustrator. Below is more of my process, I wanted to document to show what I do exactly. Crits always welcome.

Thumb (just took a picture with my computer, not much to scan here):

Line Drawing:

Color Studies: 

Value/Light Studies:


Color Comp:


Final Image Without Text:


Final With Text:

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